The government of Albania has designated a number of new places as “Natural Parks,” including the Shala River, the Albanian Alps, and the Munella Mountain.

Mirela Kumbaro, who is also the Minister of Tourism and the Environment, was the one to break the news. She said that the decision was made after doing an update on the whole region, conducting a review, and performing a reassessment of the existing protected areas, which included cultural monuments, natural monuments, and national parks among others.

In the course of this investigation, every event that has taken place on the territory over the last three decades has been analyzed, even the many instances in which protection standards have not been taken into consideration. “Not only do we update what we already had, but thanks to this review process, we also have fresh announcements, like the one on the Vjosa river. After all of this discussion, I feel compelled to point out that its success is due to the concerted efforts of a large number of actors. Alternately, the valley is shaped like the Shala river. Therefore, this is how we will proceed with two additional protected areas at the level of a natural park, which will enable us to perform better planning and organization of the economic tourism activities that may be established “explained Mrs. Kumbaro. “In all, we have 21% of the territory with protected areas, which is up from the 18% of the region that we had on paper with protected areas,” she stated.

You must do all in your power to ensure that you do not miss out on the breathtaking scenery that the Albanian Alps have to offer. To get to the Shala River, you need to begin your adventure in the city of Shkodra. From there, you will need to take a boat across Lake Koman to get to the river.